5 Min Bird Drawing Demo YouTube Video

June 30, 2021


#drawing #bird #sketch #demo #process #cartoon #video #youtube

Thank you for a great Wednesday! All art sent, see folks tomorrow for upgrades 10amET -- also enjoy this new YouTube 5min real time Bird Drawing demo! See you tomorrow. Goodnight! 


Back In Fighting Form

June 26, 2021


#drawing #righthanded #robot #girl #armwrestler #truck #inkscape #sketch

After spending a few hours today, on a Saturday, getting some extra upgrade ink/ color commission work done, I worked offline on tweaking/ setting up my apps and physical setup to be back in lean mean fighting form. No more wires, no more this that or the other thing. Reinstalled some drivers, refreshed my art apps, and sketched this girly out once everything was good to go. Sometimes we get distracted, diverted or wander in directions we haven't considered in the past, then somewhre, sometimes, we find that we really yurn to stay on what we were on, using what we were using, and the familiar feels more solid than ever when you get there. Years of muscle memory confirm this, the less is more of what you were doing and using compared to what you've tried comforts you. And the anticipation of the rocking to come excites you. 

This week I'll be streaming M, W, F working on Drawing Requests sketches for the chat. T, TH will be devoted to upgrade inks colors on commissions folks deem worthy of taking beyond a simple sketch. 

See you soon! Have a great rest of your weekend!

Update on BoR Volume 5 Over Seas Orders

June 10, 2021

Any Best of Request Volume 5 orders that were overseas (UK, Germany, France, etc...) have finally began arriving and customers are finally getting their book orders. Tracking shows them sitting in Chicago from May 2nd, till June 2nd ( probably on quarantine/ customs ) and then they finally moved outside the US between June 2nd and June 7th! Thank you for everyone's patience with the wait, and thank you so much for your support in buying a book in the first place! #update #soon

Caterpillar Dragon Mashup Drawing

June 3, 2021


#drawing #dragon #caterpillar #creature #sketch #mashup #concept #youtube #video

See the process for this drawing here:

A 17 minute drawing condensed into about 3 minutes!

A mashup of a dragon and a caterpillar, a prompt brought about by MightyMae and her community over at http://www.twitch.tv/mightymae

Watch Eryck Webb draw like this live, weekdays on Twitch!

Music is:
Freedom Trail Studio - Long Ball
From the YouTube Sound Library

See the process for this drawing here:

New emotes in the works for 2021 - which are your favorites?


#drawing #emotes #design #concept #sketches #variations

These are 48 variations on a new emote design theme I'm working on for my Twitch channel in 2021. I am looking to pick 7 for tier 1-3 subscribers and 8 more for bit cheer unlockables. Which are your favorites? Thank you for weighing in! Click the image to enlarge.

Back To Work Post Memorial Day Weekend

June 1, 2021


Firing up the mill getting back to work today, after a much needed long weekend. My 2nd vaccine and allergies and the crazy randomness of last week still have me a bit tired, but I'm easing back into things. Get back to stream tomorrow! Happy June all! #warmup #sketch #mill #drawing #draw #drawmill #fullsteam 

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