Judo 'Practice Makes Perfect' Tee WIP
Still scraping away and getting the proportions and everything solidfied, then ink/color/design the shirt graphic!
Jason from 8th Grade Nothing finished commission
Jason from 8 Grade Nothing
Sgt Clemets Commission Finished
Sgt Clemets of Rumble Rose - Step By Step 2
Sgt Clemets of Rumble Rose - Step By Step 1
Candy Cane 20 Dollar Commish Wrapped Up
New EWG Deviant Art Setup
Yes, You Can Haz Commish!
http://eryckwebbgraphics.deviantart.com/ #commission #art #freelance #soloprenuer
With Judo Flipping Aciton! WIP
Rumble Rose - Reiko Fin
Just finished up the second $20 commish of the day
Red Havok $20 Commission
Purple Vixen premium commish finished
Vultura 3 - $20 Commission 1 of 3 for 62512
New week new chance
Birthday Art
Got a real nice surprise in my email this afternoon, a thank you email from a young woman whos guy had me do some art renditions of her in her tank girl costume. Among a couple different artist's interpretation of her take on her favorite tank girly. Your very welcome and thanks for letting me know I did good :) Check out the other cool renditions here: http://nessbow.com/2012/06/11/26th-birthday/
Random Twitter Followers
That post nothing but wise quotes from others... got like three in the last week and i see who they are and every one of their posts is a quote from one celebrity, govnmnt person or philospher or another... hmmm...
New Branding for EWG website network
Freshined up a few of the main EWG sites with new theme graphics featuring EWG Dood http://eryckwebb.blogspot.com/ and http://eryckwebbgraphics.deviantart.com
Nice Saturday
Just chillaxin. Watched some KISS live concert on netflix, had some egg sandwiches and some coffee, got intouch with my personal art with some new EWG Mascot art, and going to take care of some client related art after a bite to eat and perhaps a beer. I'm thinking the reward for the 75th person to 'like' my business page, and the winner o the SCOOBY SNACK prize.
EWG Dood n his Bag o Trix Colors
And page 4 and 5 of the comic project
Written by Gabe Epperson, art by Eryck Webb
Posted at http://eppersonator.deviantart.com/art/The-Book-of-Sarah-Page-4-305513708
Posted via email from eryckwebbgraphics's Space
Comic Project 3
And a 3rd page from the same project http://eppersonator.deviantart.com/art/The-Book-of-Sarah-Page-3-305513565
Posted via email from eryckwebbgraphics's Space
Comic Project 2
Posted via email from eryckwebbgraphics's Space
Comic project
Posted via email from eryckwebbgraphics's Space
Webpage update
Read about some tips on the best way to setup ones DeviantArt page for prospective customers and catching interest and put them to work, what do you think? http://eryckwebbgraphics.deviantart.com/
Without further delay -- its done!
Back on it all day, finaly
after a lost week and days of distractions, back in the saddle proper! Team Maximum getting finished today, Purple vixen and hench girls and 4 $20 commissions.
count on it.
Knocking out some massive colors
Got work space moved into new office downstairs, cooler and gotta say diggin the feel of the new room all together. Gettin setup and knocking out that 13 character piece today! Then immediatly jumping on other projects that have been on the backburner far too long. Gettin diesel on that production and gettin it done.
13 Character Battle Commission Fin Inks
Team Maximum 13 Character Battle Finished Inks http://eryckwebbgraphics.deviantart.com/art/Team-Maximum-vs-Villains-Fin-Inks...
DeadMau5 and inks
Closing slots for a while after next week's are finished
One slot available on Friday next week. Then closing them for a while to catch up on work - http://eryckwebbgraphics.deviantart.com/journal/One-Slot-Left-For-Next-Week-Then-Slots-Close-309343847
Enjoy this FEATURED slideshow of EWG works!
Best o the best, flash slide show of FEATURED works! http://justsitback.deviantart.com/?title=Featured&rssQuery=gallery%3Aeryckwebbgraphics%2F42932
Back at it for Tuesday 6/19
Well, dunno if you've seen the forecast for the next week but WOW. Wheres monsoon season when you need it. Anywho, this morning was the coolest its going to be for a while, and believe me it WASN't cool, so I delayed the start of the work day to catch up on cleaning dishes and then mowed, raked and weeded the front and back yard with the supervision of Wally dog. Now after a rewarding Sam Adams, then a quick shower, I've got a mug of coffee in hand and a todo list to knock out today. Purple vixen and hench girls, 13 character super battle and $20 dollar commissions oh my! Get to it! Have a great Tuesday and stay warm folks!
Glow Logo variations - little logo, big symbolisms
Epic little Glow logo... read the description on the Deviant Art post to see all the stuff actually going on in this one! http://eryckwebbgraphics.deviantart.com/art/Glow-Logo-Variations-309202030
WIP so far on 13 character battle
Good stuff, goodnight everybody
Stoppin off for some top gear and lunch
Stoppin off for some top gear and lunch - think i'll get the ol' drawing groove back when i return. Time for some warmup doodlez! But first a shower and food mmm hmmm.
Awesome John Timms art - love his style
John Timms, not previously familiar with his work... but love his fearless stylizations and bold forms - http://geekdraw.com/main/2012/2/2/john-timms-sketchy-superhero-art.html
Test from Blogger site
Testing one mo time
I recommend Posterous and the numerous services it'll sink up to. All though I have facebook page being updated via twitter as facebook pages has decided to F up their code and prevent most users from using Posterous to post to them. Luckily twitter and facebook get along fine so that'll be the go around for now .Alright, getting this Delusions of Normalsy wrapped up to post today and then I might be relocating my work space downstairs. Remains to be seen. L8r. Oh and cozplay girls are awesome.
A reshuffle of sorts on business priority
5 Tips For Better Work/Life Balance
By Jen Uscher
If you're feeling overworked and finding it more challenging than ever to juggle the demands of your job and the rest of your life, you're not alone.
"A lot of people are having a more difficult time finding balance in their lives because there have been cutbacks or layoffs where they work. They're afraid it may happen to them, so they're putting in more hours," says psychologist Robert Brooks, PhD, co-author of The Power of Resilience: Achieving Balance, Confidence, and Personal Strength in Your Life.
"But even if you don't have much control over the hours you have to work, you can ask yourself: In what other ways am I bringing greater enjoyment into my life?" Brooks says. "Focus your time and attention on things you can control."
Here are five ways to bring a little more balance to your daily routine:
1. Build downtime into your schedule.
When you plan your week, make it a point to schedule time with your family and friends and activities that help you recharge.
If a date night with your spouse or a softball game with friends is on your calendar, you'll have something to look forward to and an extra incentive to manage your time well so you don't have to cancel.
"It helps to be proactive about scheduling," says Laura Stack, a productivity expert in Denver and author of SuperCompetent: The Six Keys to Perform at Your Productive Best. "When I go out with my girlfriends, we all whip out our cell phones and put another girls' night out on the calendar for one month later," she says.
Stack also plans an activity with her family -- like going to a movie or the park -- every Sunday afternoon. "We do this because if there's nothing on the schedule, time tends to get frittered away and the weekend may end without us spending quality time together," she says.
Michael Neithardt, an actor and television commercial producer in New York City, wakes up three hours before he has to leave for work so he can go for a run and spend some time with his wife and baby.
"A lot of my friends tend to wake up, shower, and go straight to work. And they often complain about having no time to do anything," he tells WebMD in an e-mail. "I find that if I can get those three hours in the morning, I have a more productive and peaceful workday. I can sure tell the difference when I don't."
2. Drop activities that sap your time or energy.
"Many people waste their time on activities or people that add no value -- for example, spending too much time at work with a colleague who is constantly venting and gossiping," says Marilyn Puder-York, PhD, a psychologist and executive coach in New York and Connecticut. She recommends taking stock of activities that aren't really enhancing your career or personal life and minimizing the time you spend on them.
You may even be able to leave work earlier if you make a conscious effort to limit the time you spend on the web and social media sites, making personal calls, or checking your bank balance. "We often get sucked into these habits that are making us much less efficient without realizing it," Stack says.
3. Rethink your errands.
Consider whether you can outsource any of your time-consuming household chores or errands.
Could you order your groceries online and have them delivered? Hire a kid down the street to mow your lawn? Have your dry cleaning picked up and dropped off at your home or office? Order your stamps online so you don't have to go to the post office? Even if you're on a tight budget, you may discover that the time you'll save will make it worth it.
Stack also suggests trading services with friends. Offer to do tasks that you enjoy or that you were planning to do anyway.
"You could exchange gardening services for babysitting services," Stack says. "If you like to cook, you could prepare and freeze a couple of meals and give them to a friend in exchange for wrapping your holiday gifts."
4. Get moving.
It's hard to make time for exercise when you have a jam-packed schedule, but experts say that it may ultimately help you get more done by boosting your energy level and ability to concentrate.
"Research shows exercise can help you to be more alert," Brooks says. "And I've noticed that when I don't exercise because I'm trying to squeeze in another half hour of writing, I don't feel as alert."
Samantha Harris, a lawyer who works for a nonprofit organization in Philadelphia, says she recently started sneaking in a trip to the gym two or three mornings a week before her family wakes up. "It's been a real boost in terms of the way I feel for the rest of the day," she says. "I feel like my head is clearer and I've had a little time to myself."
5. Remember that a little relaxation goes a long way.
Don't get overwhelmed by assuming that you need to make big changes to bring more balance to your life. Brooks recommends setting realistic goals, like trying to leave the office earlier one night per week.
"Slowly build more activities into your schedule that are important to you," he says. "Maybe you can start by spending an hour a week on your hobby of carpentry or planning a weekend getaway with your spouse once a year," he says.
Stack points out that even during a hectic day, you can take 10 or 15 minutes to do something that will recharge your batteries. "Take a bath, read a trashy novel, go for a walk, or listen to music," she suggests. "You have to make a little time for the things that ignite your joy."
New week new adventure
Shes on meds that have had her knocked out all weekend and gettin healed up from that.
So shes home today, which the shift in the schedule has me a bit off this morning. But I must remember its a work day and theres lots and lots to do!
Which reminds me, my fog this morning could be from the fact I haven't taken my allergy/ sinus medicine yet today. Time to go grab that. Well, I've got 20 dollar commissions scheduled for all this week, and some premiums to get out.
Have a great work week everyone and remember, if your going to bother to do something. Do it right, and knock it out of the park. Or at least try your best to do so. Otherwise, why waste your time?
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