See the original announcement and information here:
The following is some supplementary information to help potential clients of the Chibi Monday sale better understand what will be going on!

The following is some supplementary information to help potential clients of the Chibi Monday sale better understand what will be going on!

Q: Can I order more than one chibi but request them in the same picture instead of separate pictures?
A: Yes. However keep in mind the price does not change. The price reflects time spent creating each chibi. Whether its on the same canvas interacting or on two different doesn't change the time spent articulating each one.
Q: Can I place an order for chibis and get back to you with the references
A: One, this special is only available Monday, and Chibis are not a regularly featured EWG item and only offered during special promotions. So you must order by the Chibi Monday cart I will be setting up like everyone else. I'd prefer include a link to your original or fan-art character in the notes to seller field of your paypal order, but if you email it that will work too. If you can do it as soon as you order that would be great and help expedite your order. Failure to do so may cause it to be pushed back a space or two in line till both payment/reference are received.
Q: Can I do anything to get ahead of the crowd and get mine faster than the guarantee of 'all finished before Christmas eve'?
A: Yes! Those who truly want that must wait for the launch of the Paypal shopping cart button Sunday, December 1st around 11pm-midnight Eastern time - I will announce the launch of the sale on Deviant Art Journal, EWG Twitter, EWG Facebook and EWG website - if you do not follow one of these there's no way to let you know when it goes live! First come first serve. I will complete each piece in order of received. If I get to one and have not received payment or reference by the time I go to do it, it will be pushed back and I will do the next. I will keep doing this each time I go back to do it until its at end of the line if I do not receive items by then. All orders not receiving materials by day before Christmas eve are forfeit with no refunds. And your donation will be appreciated!
Q: What exactly am I getting with this deal? How much control do I have over this order?
A: Plenty of control! You get an 8.5x13 canvas size, set to 300dpi resolution in RGB. It will be of my whimsical portrayal of your character of choice, and I will best portray the essence of the character and exaggerate its most notable features and create something fun for your character. You can request a certain type, i.e. - sexy, action, heroic, silly - and I will come up with what i believe best suits the character. There are no changes no proofs and little to no background. The character is standalone, and is allowed one prop outside its main body (i.e. a gun a ball of yarn an item in hand or its interacting with - please nothing too complicated - also PLEASE PLEASE make sure you have one accurate existing references. No changing costume designs after ordering and sending reference and me having to adapt a different design after the fact or anything like that. No pieces or 'except this is like this now and this should be more like this.' If your reference isn't accurate, please don't send it! If there's one or two color changes or such that'll make you more happy with your chibi that doesn't take more than 10-15 minutes to do I will do that upon its completion.
Q: When does it start and end?
A: Starts roughly between 10pm-12am EST on Sunday Night and the sale ends Tuesday Morning between 8amEST and 10amEST
Q: How can I tame my excitement and anxiety over my Chibi Monday order? How will I know when it'll be delivered to my inbox?
A: All orders will be put on order tracking on the EWG website and will be marked as finished as each one is finished. You will see how close you are to being done as they are completed.
Q: Why can't Chibi Monday get here faster!?
A: Sorry the time-stream accelerator hasn't been invented yet.
!Hunt is over for 2022 - good try everyone! Thanks for playing!!! Happy St Pattys! -EW