10 Weekly Slots $20 each

May 15, 2012

10 Weekly Slots $20 each

Available Slots Can Be Found At My Journal http://ewgraphics.deviantart.com/journal/

New from EWG - ongoing. 

10 available slots a week. Same week turnaround.

Like my specials previous, you paypal $20.00 to eryckwebb3@yahoo.com (most appreciated if you accept the paypal fees yourself) and link to character reference you want portrayed and I will illustrate the character, pencil/ink/color pose of my choosing with no background/ or single color and have it to you within one week!

I can also invoice you if desired. If all current week slots are filled you will be moved to the next week. Limit 10 per week.

Thanks in advance and I look forward to providing this service to all the awesome comic art fans out there!

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Design Modified and Adapted for Eryck Webb Graphics Website by Eryck Webb.