Always inspired by watching Mark Brooks work digitaly on his art. From his awesome detailed pencil work to his dynamic figures and then his inks. Takes him about 9 hours to do a page like this below. The video is only about 6 minutes. The results are awesome, and goes to show what quality you can get out of a page that takes 8-9 hours. I try to keep mine under a much tighter timeframe for budget/ deadline purposes but many of my best pages took a good 4 hours to completely fininshed pencil and then 2-3 to ink and another 2 or 3 for full colors so I can understand what goes into this stuff. Anyways, I generaly have a theme to post one thing each week. Mondays are for Ultimate Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles webcomic updates, Tuesdays are 'tutorial tuesdays' wednesdays are my Webcomic Wednesdays, thursdays are throw backs, and glances at where I was in the past or case studies from jobs past, and friday is devoted to posting TnC comics promotions! Enjoy today's 'tutorial tuesday' installment, and enjoy many more over in the 'Reference' section of this website!
Enjoy studying this page that essentialy uses my exact same process of layouts, pencils as tight as I want to go then inks overtop for a finished piece.
Under the hands of another pro on a whole 'nother level!
Original video over at: http://youtu.be/B0-wFGm-HG0