Art Product: Time To Get Schooled

August 13, 2021


Time To Get Schooled

- Released August 2021
- Go back to school and mean it! Who wants schooled! Good for any kid or teacher from 5 to 500 looking to show learning whose boss!
- 12x12 Artwork
- Available in print on many products 

Sunday Was Spiderman Day...

August 2, 2021


...but I celebrated it today (Monday) for warmup! Happy #spidermanday interwebs! Heres a drawing I did this morning to start my day in that theme! Spiderman has always been one of my favorite super heroes.  His dynamic poses and energy flipping and doing acrobatics across a page and swinging/ leaping amongst the city buildings was always a major influence on my OC Jumping Boy! 
Keep slingin! 

#spiderman #spidey #marvel #webslinger #spiderverse 

Glitch bot says: Happy 10th Birthday Twitch!

August 1, 2021

 #drawing #robot #twitchart #twitchcreates #anniversary

If you had told me when I first started Eryck Webb Graphics, that I'd eventually be taking commissions and sketch requests from supporters live on stream, as well as creating that art, live as they watched me do it, every week, for a living, I probably wouldn't have believed you. But that's what I do. Streaming Drawing Request Show on Twitch for the last 6 years has created many opportunities for me I never would have had otherwise.

I've had the privileges of 'performing' my drawing skills in front of a live audience. In doing so, I've been able to share my knowledge and insights with the community, and hopefully inspire a few to keep o start drawing.

I've gotten to meet and get to know other amazing artists also making a living with their creativity. I've gotten to learn from them, be inspired by them and even collaborate with them on more than one occasion. If they aren't hanging out in my channel when I'm streaming, I'm usually in theirs. This kind of peer community was something I never had before Twitch.

Streaming has enabled me to improve and evolve my drawing skills and different techniques over the years. But one of the best rewards, is when I get to help fellow streamers with their channel art, emotes and merch designs. Not every one has access to experienced artists that can create the items they need. And it feels good to be able o provide that for folks.

These are only a handful of reasons I love streaming and drawing on Twitch, but its been an experience full of firsts and unexpected opportunities I never would have had doing commissions offline, or on any other platform. I only joined in 2016, but I cant wait to see where it is in 10 more years and beyond!

Congrats on 10 years Twitch, and thank you!

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