New 52.. maybe for you but not for me

March 10, 2013

I've concluded I officially don't care for the New 52 character designs. I find myself genuinely not wanting to draw them. They're overly complicated and a lot of the choices just make me scratch my head. Not a fan. I understand the more grown up look of guys in pants instead of 'speedos over tights' and i'm fine with clothing and body suits but, whats with all the lines and unnecessary marks and details. Its like the designer thought 'lets make EVERY character as hard to draw as Spiderman!' Plus, whats with superman. Does his cape come out of his collarbones? I think some like powergirl's design looks really nice and green lantern and what not. But batmans is like 'hey hes too simple, lets add tons of seams that will drive artists nuts' but you know why green lantern and powergirl work, they are straight forward designs, and they aren't laced with unnecessary details. Don't even get me started on Cyborg. 'Hey lets make him an even MORE terminator looking-unrelatable-robot guy with way more details than he had before'

And thats your sunday morning rant from yours truely. This came from me sitting down to do a Comic Art Alliance piece for 'new 52' this morning, and I KNOW... I KNOW... i am the one who mentioned doing new 52 for a theme in passing, but only recently have i really looked at the designs and I have to say... when I sat down this morning and was like 'alright who do i wanna draw' ... i just didnt. they're not fun. i dont wanna draw them. if i want this kinda torture i'll go figure out how to draw movie iron man's armor.

Still, I will figure out one of the ones with visual design I do like for the theme. Maybe powergirl or somethin

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