Containment Gaming Mascot and Logo

April 7, 2014

A combination mascot/ logo/banner design design for a clients youtube channel named Containment Gaming. The character contains elements from many of the main games that the channel showcases. Ghostbusters fandom is a overall theme so the character is wearing ghostbusters coveralls and has a proton pack and gun but the pack is a pc computer as its computer games channel and the gun is a  lightsaber from starwars old republic. hearthstone can be seen on the belt buckle, bioshock infinite bottles hanging from her belt, a world of warcraft sword and knife as well as a call of duty m50 sniper rifle. This girly is ready for some serious gaming! the banner version features the caption 'GAME ON!' in comic word balloon style. The logo symbol itself is even a homage to the ghostbusters cross out-ghosts style.

EryckWebbGraphics © 2013 | Base Template Designed by RumahDijual, in collaboration with Online Casino, Uncharted 3 and MW3 Forum
Design Modified and Adapted for Eryck Webb Graphics Website by Eryck Webb.