EWG Updates 11.10.14

November 10, 2014

This is a quick website/business update post

1. Setup a November/Thanksgiving theme wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, on the EWG main site, facebook and deviantart.

2. Got a new EWG website-based Livestream page relaunched featuring a site-dedicated IRC chat and seemless integration of a Picarto-supplied video window. Will be interested to see how viewers like this new setup. Theres on login necessary, just pick a nickname and enter the chat and watch the stream. Hoping it draws more interest and viewers to my Thursday Night and other livestreamed events.

3. October Sale Orders have been completed for everyone except for a client who understands they ordered a lot more than I could get done by the 6th, so I am going to get them out this week, and then hopefully be able to offer up slots again come next week or so!

4. Monday has been a 'business day' where I worked on inhouse stuff got this and that straightened out and did things I was always putting off to get client work done, but will hit the ground running on must-completes for webcomic jobs this week and other sorts. Got lots to do and time to get cranking.

5. Hope folks are enjoying Run Of The Mill, a new strip comes out Thursday at midnight. And I've completed the second draft on a very special project due to come out in December. Stay tuned for that.

Alright, that's it for now, thanks for reading, check out the new livestream page now on the menu of Features at right, and have a great week!

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