New Year Bird - 1st Warmup of 2015

January 1, 2015

#newyear #newyearbird #sketch #sketchbookpro #warmup #wacom

Warmup for today, and the first official drawing of 2015! I call this random creature that has emerged from the nether regions of my creativity - the new year bird. He be a wretched sort! Bigger than an Ostrich and meaner than a Junk Yard Dog. Onto some must completes for today! 
Don't know if I'll do a Thursday night live-stream tonight. Will be short notice if I do. And will be at 9 if I do. Sound off below if you wish to have one tonight otherwise might not bother!
Happy new year all, excited and anxiety stricken for the potential good and bad 2015 has to offer. Here's to it all being good!

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