Drawing Request Show - Episode 09 Recap

April 20, 2016

#whale #swim #ocean #simmer #dive #inkscape #photoshop #twitch #drs

Unusually plagued by mishaps left and right, it finally settled into a groove and enjoyed the requests.
Tonight was the subject of what can happen sometimes. The potential for a large request is there. When it comes down to it a full color two character piece can be equivalent to 6 black and whites. So I only did one black and white for Oboe and then a second two character (complicated object/ animal or vehicle piece) till end of the show. I don't do nudity very often but when I do I try to keep it classy and artsy. Then at the end was a giveaway won by Lynxie! Congrats lynxie! See folks Thursday 730pmEST for another show!

Enjoy the video on the EWG You Tube Channel: And the real time recap on Twitch

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