Drawing Request Show 232 Recap

May 23, 2017

@twitchcreates @twitch #creative #drawing #sketch #inkscape

As of this post all art sent! Thank you very much! Drawing Request Show 232 was a super rare and fun Tuesday Stream full of fun drawing. We got 8 characters equivalent drawn, did a Follow Goal giveaway when we hit 660, and a Tip Goal when we hit $100 dollar Tip amount! And not to mention we did a Daily Giveaway as well! The first person to ever win the Quantum INSTA token was MinecraftArchitect who at this point can use it at any moment in future streams! And the fun giveaway was voted on by the chat. So the Commando Clucker is now availble to grab by all! Just click below and right click the image and save! Enjoy!

Wish and Pray for me and Kiwi as we go to get that evil gal bladder out of her tomorrow and hoping the whole process goes smoothly from travel to procedure! I will NOT be streaming Wednesday so I can take care of her and since we're heading out early will probably be too ZZZZ to do anything tomorrow. Will rest up and get ready to be at my best on Thursday. See everyone THURSDAY 10am EST for a 6 hour Drawing Request Show! Going from 10am till normal stop time with a lunch break in the middle! See you guys then!! Goodnight!

Click to enlarge, right click the bigger picture and hit save as! (Macs do whatever your equivalent to that is).

Click and then right click and save image to download hires!! 

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