Drawing Request Show 260 Recap

July 12, 2017

@twitchcreates @twitch #creative #drawing #request #stream

As of this post, all art above has been sent! Thank you for an awesome Wednesday stream session! With some colorguide work this morning and some request sketches and colors this afternoon! Super fun, and look forward to doing it all again tomorrow 10am starting with finishing colors from pieces Kiwi has flatted and gotten back to me. Then Drawing Requests all afternoon. See you guys then!

And remember, without Net Neutrality, I really would not be able to do what I do anymore. It would be too expensive or limited most likely. So whatever we can do to keep that Repeel happening on the FCC Net Neutrality laws is something we need to definitely do.

Keep drawing!  Checkout Drawing Request Show, streaming live on Twitch every M-F 10am-5pmEST! Only at twitch.tv/eryckwebb

Highlight request from today's stream

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For ScarletFox's Birthday She Got A 60sec Drawing Lesson

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