EW Twitch Stream Recap 61518

June 15, 2018

#drawing #twitch #creative #stream #request #inkscape

As of this post, all art sent! Check your whispers! Masterlist updated as well. Had a fun Friday stream with lots of support and encouragement from the crEW. I was a little low energy, the allergies and weather been beating me down a bit all week. Also been working extra hours all week while Kristinas on a trip with her mom to try and get more done. The week flew by though and suddenly here we are out of time. 
I MAY work on more upgrades on a special Saturday work stream. I might spend most of the day outside which I dont get to do much during the weekdays. Grass needs mowed, garden beds need cleaned out and setup for fresh planting. We're a bit late to the game but hey, got all summer right? 

I also plan on getting close to finished with production on Best Of Request VOL 1. My target was a june preorder kickoff. Im going to keep close to that as possible. 

Thanks to everyone for the tips, the requests, the cheers the subs and the hosts and shares and kind words. Be back next week to rock it hard! Only on Drawing Request Show!!!

Same Drawing Time ( 2pmET ) same Drawing Channel! ( twitch.tv/eryckwebb

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