Stream Notes: Week End Recap 111618

November 16, 2018

#twitch #drawing #streaming #inking #coloring #photoshop #inkscape

Thanks for a fun week of creating! 

As of this post, all art sent, and master list updated!!

We tried to match the last week where we finished fifteen upgrade orders around plenty of drawing requests over the course of the week. This week we came a bit short. We only got 11 done this week, but thats still pretty good. I'm happy with that. This week has still been packed with awesome requests, far too much sauce and some epic finished upgraded commission level art. 

This week we streamed 12pm Noon to 6pm EST every day except Friday when I jumped into it early at 10am till 4pm. This was nice cause it gives me the mornings to tackle yard work and car maintenance and walk the dog and things that I used to do in the late afternoon when it was still daylight after 4pm. So this may continue. 

I'm noticing people want to cram their upgrades in on drawing days and their drawings in on upgrade days. So look for an adjustment to the schedule next week! I might opt for some shorter Drawing Request-only streaming and go back to separate upgrade production streams or just work on them off stream. 

Next week I'll be streaming Monday through Wednesday and taking Thursday through Sunday off for a long Thanksgiving weekend. While I won't be streaming, I will most likely be working on new stuff for the stream. This month is flying by! I never got to implement a bunch of things I wanted to put into action for this month! Its crazy. So I'm already putting my sites on December on. 

The books materials are all set just waiting on the books themselves and I'll start signing/ sketching and sending them out! I'm going to knock them all out and get them out within the same week that I get them! Have no fear! Also, after a few weeks off, work will begin immediately after the holidays on Volume 3 for a spring release! 

Alright, thanks so much everyone who cheers, donates, subs, hosts, spreads the word and enjoys the stream on a daily basis. Could NOT do this without you! Thanks you for keep me drawing. 

The CREW is full of amazing TREW believers!!

Look for next week's official schedule to post Sunday evening!

Only on twitch! 
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