Inhouse art: Skull Boy Warmup 72619

July 26, 2019

#drawing #inkscape #skull #boy #headphones #urban #chilling #listening #to #music #boots

A warm up this morning playing around with a more minimalistic style. Something I would like to explore more in the future. As far as decision making goes and this being finished or not, this to me is a finished piece... aside from some clean up of a few stray marks here and there. I like the style and decisive lines and shapes of this piece. I basically took my time in doing the clean lines, picking out shapes and contours and using big blocky shapes and not getting too concerned with detail. I also wanted the shading to do its job but be as simple as possible. I think the less is more approach ends up being a bit stronger and more purposeful. What do you think? 

Well, onto the work that pays! But its always fun taking time each morning to draw for myself, stretch the creativity and get warmed up before tackling client work.

Speaking of client work. I'm currently at the bottom of the list with 3 or 4 people on the drawing request list for my Drawing Request Twitch stream I run. But I have an enormous stack of ink and color commission upgrades. Starting next week, I will be emphasizing work on the upgrades, and dialing back the drawing requests. But I will still be streaming 5 days a week or so. Look for the final schedule to go live over the weekend. But for those of you who follow this website, and read these posts, you have a heads up before everyone else. 

This was drawn in about 20 minutes in Inkscape with a Wacom Intuos Pro Medium.

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