Charly - Philtomato's OC DIYS

July 20, 2022

Drawn in inkscape using the chibi-esque style I like to draw cartoon girls in currently

The original piece by Philtomato to riff off of for the Draw this In Your Style prompt
Something organic, cool about this prelim sketch before the final drawing, so heres that

Drew this for Philtomato's DIYS challenge featuring his OC 'Charly' for fun after lunch. I dig it!
Plus I wanted to show it next to the original and I also really like how the prelim sketch looked so posted that. Fun stuff, DIYS prompts are always a fun way to jam with another artist and their community! Maybe come August the crEW over on our Drawing Mill discord will have to do a DIYS jam for our draw jam prompt. Who knows? 

Thanks for looking, off to the work that pays!

#drawing #girl #buns #crocs #drawing #diys

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