Stream Drawing Request: Rocket Trike ConicalBellz

May 21, 2024


#trike #bike #rocket #chibi #cartoon #rocketbike #smoke #trials #trialsfusion #trialsrising

All art from today sent! Thank you so much to all the crew, and those that are new for hanging out and enjoying my content today. I will be possibly live tomorrow focus more on commissions, more live artist than streamer. Stay tuned for that. Or I may hunker down and knock out commissions off stream. That's nice too at times. Regardless, make sure to figure out if you need a logo, a emote or some character art and bring your request out Thursday 10amEDT so I can create it for you!

And of course if you cant make it to stream I'm available and WANT your commission - head over to the Commission Quote Form to get started!!!

All I've ever wanted to do was draw for a living. Thank you to each and every one of you that helps in any way to keep that dream going. I appreciate you!

Have a good rest of your Tuesday!

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