Livestream Slot Commissions Set To Roll

August 20, 2013

Opened up two slots to feature exclusively on Wednesday Night Livestream this week and was happy to have two great clients jump on them same day. Will look forward to bringing their desired characters to life for them, on Livestream!

The featured commissions are each one character full color over black and white art and will take approx an hour and half each. The client chooses the character and general attitude of the piece but I come up with an appropriate pose and just have fun with it. The idea is more freestyle jam than perfectionist piece.

The offer also saves $15 off the normal price, and is mostly meant to provide an exhibition of my skill and work flow, as well as give the participating clients some art they own to come out and enjoy watching get created live start to finish!

Look forward to it! Show starts 8pmEST Wed, 8/21 and goes till done but is not expected to run past midnight. See everyone out at the EWG Livestream button on the menu at right, its always a jammin good time.

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