10 Ways To Balance Out Your Work With Life

March 11, 2014

In the world of owning, operating and juggling your own business, sometimes we forget to consider the bigger picture. If you enjoy your work, than great, its less tedious, but its still work. Life and loved ones are what matter, thats the only reason we're trying so hard to make a living right? Heres 10 thoughts to ponder on improving your overall stress levels, and balancing work and living that I found while searching around the web for inspiration/ and motivation and maybe they'll strike a chord with you too!

1. One should not want / But only seek what one needs.

2. Wait 1 hr if possible, before making a decision or reacting.

3. One can not control what others do only how One reacts to them.

4. Set goals for the day accepting fate may not allow all of them.

5. Exercise your body as well as your mind, every day.

6. Work only necessary hours then live rest of the day.

7. Do not jump to conclusions or assume - ask questions.

8. Have courage to change what one can.

9. Have serenity to accept what one can not change.

10. Have wisdom to know the difference.

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