Bucket Mouth League Fly Fishers

July 17, 2015

Wrapping up this busy week with a final post, of this finished graphic for Frankenfly.com. A new graphic promoting the Bucket Mouth League Fly Fishers - a group of fly fishing for big mouth bass. I started off in the design phase going in the direction of a normal bass jumping out of the water and had the notion to do a stylized 'badass' one as well. Well that one was a hit and so made it happen. It definitely goes more along with the Frankenfly style, just look at the mascot/logo and the 'bearded biscuit' shirt design. For fun I even made the fly in the graphic look like the bearded biscuit.

Thats it for this week, it was a hard one in many ways but a productive one in a lot of other ways.

Have a great weekend, pick it all up no Monday!

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