Hikin Hal and Rogue - Final Hires Scans

October 13, 2015

#rogue #xmen #marvel #inktober #hiking #hal #outdoors #birdcall #bird #walkingstick #originalart #scan

Heres a hires scan of Hikin Hal, its final form. This piece has been purchased by a client whom also requested the addition of the EWG logo on the hat. I like it! I scanned the piece, added the logo, printed it out and then lightboxed it onto the original piece with a micron pen. But I wanted a good scan for my own files. The original is now on its way to a happy customer's hands! This and the Rogue full color ink/ maker piece which you can see the final hires scan of it below too (The scans were hires, these are web sized)

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