Daily Discipline: The Renegade

January 16, 2017

#MLK2017 #martinlutherkingjr #mlk #inkscape #drawing #daily #practice #sketch

Todays daily discipline/ morning warmup drawing is in honor of the renegade of civil rights and racial equality Dr Martin Luther King Jr! A man who did what needed to be done even if it ruffled a whole lot of feathers. And those feathers needed ruffled. Even if it risked is own life. Paving the way for many changes and possibilities to come. Theres a lot of quotes to choose from, but I always like this one simple at to the point.

The title of this drawing comes from the fact I was listening to Rage Against The Machine playlist while drawing this. And the one that fit the best was 'Renegades of Funk' which talked about MLK, MalcomX and other renegades of their times and places when they rebelled against the norm somebody brought the hammer down. They knew it would inevitably happen but stood up against injustice anyway.

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