EW Twitch Stream Recap 71018

July 10, 2018

#drawing #creative #twofertuesday #sketch #request #show

As of this post, all art sent! Check those whispers! It was Two-Fer Tuesday! Today started with the intent to draw for folks who came out and offer two requests before cool down or two items from retainer added today instead of one. This happened but an unexpecte surprise did as well. Long-time Request King Trayde threw down some massive love and support to the stream and unlocked 6 giveaways for the chat. We also crushed the gratitude record of 16 gratitude wheel spins per stream with a total of 21 spins. 

Thank you so much guys for a fun day of unexpectedness. We went over an extra 2 hours to make up for all the giveaway goodies and not getting any drawing done. Earlier this morning I also got inking done on one of a few rush orders I have to do this week. Its currently being colored.

The whole stream was fun, and there was some great highlight moments I would have liked to have made clips of for the EW YouTube channel but the entire stream suffered from crappy microphone audio. I cant believe it was bad from the moment I started to the moment the stream ended. Ugh *palm to face*. I took some time this afternoon to troubleshoot and test it till it sounded right.

Watch Diggin For Ancient Draws DRS 610 from EryckWebb on www.twitch.tv
The clip above was a fun highlight from today of a new Gratitude Wheel item. Sorry the mic is bad. But overall pretty happy with the scene.

\Yes currently the mic I use is the one on the camera and yes it will always sound a bit like im in a room but it shouldnt be low volume and cracking everytime i speak. So I got it figured out pretty good and based on what i changed to make it sound better it seems like the gain on the compressor filter i was using was out of hand. I got it squared away and hopefuly itll be on point tomorrow.

See you guys at the next Drawing Request Show, enjoying some summer morning hours. Who knows if it works out enough it may be come the regular time. Its nice to be done by lunch time with my whole work day ( even though I start early in the morning before DRS even starts) and have rest of the day to do yard work, stuff around the house, go out enjoy the day with kristina or even work on improving the stream or other personal projects like my book ( s) and or personal art projects and practice.

The flexibility has been nice so far. I completely understand if the timeslot doesnt work for some folks anymore and they just arent able to come out anymore. I gotta do what is better balance for my life not what might work better for a person or two. Unfortunately! Im very much a morning person brain power wise.

See the CRew and YOU out 10am Eastern Time tomorrow morning for more drawing action!!
Only at twitch.tv/eryckwebb

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