EW Twitch Stream Recap 7918

July 9, 2018

#drawing #sketch #request #twitch #creative

As of this post, all art sent! Check your whispers! Had a fun Monday back at the Drawing Request Show action. I had been keeping up the practice over the weekend drawing in my sketchbook. Didn't have much rust when I sat down to get drawing. Started with 15 minutes of drawing warm-up for myself while I waited for folks to wake up and come in with their coffee. Then we rocked several fun requests who folks who were here and skipped a whole lot of items that got put in the bank. 

Warmed up with random sketches off the top of my head. Resulted in a lot of cool robots and creatures. Even an enterprise mech? Why not.

Nows a good time to come out get a drawing request if you want something done quickly cause there is a short list right now and no priority tokens on the list.  We got 5 requests done this morning as well as a 6th request for your truly who was given one by somebody a month or so ago.   

Its a slow time of year as people are hitting conventions, traveling and out for the summer but its a great time for those who can make it to come out and get a drawing with very little wait. 

Back tomorrow 10amET for more Drawing Request Show - trying out some summer hours trial run this week. Doing 10am-1pm all week. Working on upgrades in afternoons/ evenings offline. 

See you tomorrow on twitch for Drawing Request Show!! 10amET - 1pmET !!! 

There are still a few copies left of the limited print run of Best of Request Volume 1 available.
200 pages of EW drawings and other stream content including EW's commentary on the stream and the drawings all through the book! Get it in the EW shop!

Best of Request Volume 2 comes out this summer! ( very soon )

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