Stream Art: New 2018 Crew Collage Artwork Finished

March 29, 2019

#twitch #drawing #creative #chibi #subscribers #crew #collage #art 

Happy to say we finally completed this 2018 Crew Collage featuring 59 subscribers to the Eryck Webb Twitch channel! Every subscriber that was actively supporting the stream on November 30th 2018 was illustrated as a chibi over the course of 4-5 hours for this special commemorative piece. Even several that subbed the day of were added in as well. Ultimately there were a couple of folks that did not make it in because they were not subbed as of that day or till after that day. But this is a solid representation of the main crew that has been here and is still here to this day. Thank you to everyone in the crew, especially you 18 monthers for being here for the ride since I became affiliated. Be sure to head to the CrewHQ to get your free subscriber copy of this artwork for you to own, post or print however you like. All else please feel free to go to the ewSHOP and grab yourself a digital download or poster order! Every purchase supports this drawing dream of mine. Thank you everyone! I had a lot of fun drawing, inking and coloring this with you guys and am seriously considering doing a new one at the end of this year. Maybe we can break my current record of 59 for the largest character art piece I've done to date.
Anythings possible... ;)

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Design Modified and Adapted for Eryck Webb Graphics Website by Eryck Webb.