EWG Live Sketch Night 9.17.15 Recap

September 18, 2015

#youtube #video #inkscape #livestream #sketch #digitalart #chibi #character art #oc


Last night's Live Sketch Night for September was a blast, and was JUST what I needed to reinvigorate my work. I enjoyed chatting with and drawing for everyone who came out lastnight. For those who missed out on the Live Event, I've compiled and posted a condensed recap video which you can find below!

This video features a condensed version of Eryck Webb Graphics' 'Live Sketch Night' event that happend 8pmEST till 12amEST, Thursday, 9-17-15.  The original session was over 3 hours.

All works were done in Inkscape, session was recorded with OSB and the event was live streamed on Picarto.TV

Real Times Of Each Order:
1.) Anime Gal- 30 Minutes
2.) 6 Chibis - 60 Minutes
3.) Ninja - 40 Minutes
4.) Metal Gear Stan - 30 Minutes

The original microphone audio and background music has been replaced by some new music for this recap video. To experience live/ microphone chat and interactions with Eryck Webb and see the process start to finish in real time, come out to a live event!

As always, thank you so much for checking out this video, and please comment below if you have any questions or comments!

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Thank you for checking it out!

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