Drawing Request Show - Episode 13 - Recap

April 29, 2016

#sketch #draw #twitch #stream #requests #characterart

I am blown away by the awesomeness that is Episode 13. Its been an amazing week for the Drawing Request show in general. But what a cap on the week! I didn't realize how big this episode was till I looked at the stats after. It was the biggest and most successful out of all of them so far. The most participants on the giveaway, the most viewers at one time, the most requests in a single show and the list goes on. Thank you thank you so much to everyone who came out, got some awesome art, kept the chat hilarious and entertaining and I hope you enjoy your arts! A good majority of the pieces above are upgraded to inks or colors or both and will be done over the course of the next week. 
I am going to put together a recap compilation of the whole week over the weekend. 
If you missed any of the streams though be sure to check out the broadcast replay that is avaible for the news 2-3 weeks on Twitch below, and thank you again for this amazing milestone show. And we're now only 3 followers away from a 140 follower giveaway (giving away a inked piece every 20 likes). So next week during a show there could be two giveaways instead of just one! Crazy!

Update 5/1 - well it took a while but got it finished/ saved/ uploaded! Check out the videorecap of Drawing Request Show from the past week (Episodes 11-13) here:

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