Best Of Request Volume 2 - First Draft Complete

June 30, 2018

#drawing #book #publication #design #layout #collection

Just a quick post to update you on the latest publication from Eryck Webb! 

The first draft of Best Of Request: Volume Two is finally complete. Going to be finalizing the type content, fine tuning the image layout and going over it a million times till I cant find anything wrong with it then will ship it off to the printer! We're getting close! 

Its very hot out, I mowed the yard when the sun was low but decided to hold off on other out door ambitions till this heat wave eases up. So till then Ill be inside staying cool and working on getting this book done. Thanks for all the enthusiasm and interest I've been getting in anticipation of this new book. I'm pretty proud of it so far. It'll be 50 pages larger than volume one, and contain a full record book and other content the first volume didn't have. Please look forward to it :) 

There are still a handful of Best Of Request: Volume One copies available in the EWG Shop! As well as digital downloads versions!

And come out and see the 3rd volume's content in progress live M-F on twitch at

Have it in your hands very soon!

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Design Modified and Adapted for Eryck Webb Graphics Website by Eryck Webb.