First Drawing Request Show of 2023

January 3, 2023


#drawing #inkscape #twitch #characterart #commission #request #improv #prompts

Thanks for a great start to streaming in 2023! Big shoutouts to JanieFlippinSue for the gift subs and massive request turned commission. Have it polished up for you soon! Thank you to the new subscribers, and I also noticed a nice influx of new Follows and new faces from somewhere. Wherever you found me, welcome! Hope to draw something for you soon! All art sent, heres a few highlights from today. click the thumbnail to enlarge! Despite Twitch having a site wide meltdown mid stream, we had a great day, lots of requests and random chatting moments with the viewers. Fun stuff lets do it again Thursday!

All banks not expired by the new year have received a total refresh on their dates. You will find them all set to 01/03/23 - and now are not at risk of expiring for 3 more months. Thank you for supporting me, my family and enjoying my drawing!!
I'll be back live on Twitch, drawing requests Thursday from 10amET till 1pmET firm.

In the meantime, get more drawing content on my YouTube channel with new weekly drawing-related videos!

Commission your own art outside of Twitch by starting with my Request A Quote form on this site!

Take advantage of my $30 End Of Year Sale going on now till end of Friday January 6th!

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