Shin Getter Fu - Built and Ready For Action

September 23, 2014

Just a fun personal post in the notebook tonight. Got this figure model kit at Steel City Con and been working on it slowly since during my free time. Was a very fun, meditative thing to work on. I've been interested in these japenese mecha models for a long time and a booth at the con had all these import toys. They had kits going up to 300-400 bucks but I thought I'd start with this chibi gundam figure for 20 bucks. Dig him a lot, very cool design and was a lot of fun building him. As I got into it I was thinking it'd be cool to do one again sometime but before i build it spray painting the parts custom colors - like EWG colored bot. Would be tight. Imagine this guy in Orange Black Gray and White - at least orange gray and black
Anywho, tonight he is finaly complete, and I am happy to have accomplished it! But sad that i no longer can build him. I shall name him Shin Getter Fu .
Assembly is done on this mobile suit, and hes ready for action, in the cutest, chibi way possible!

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